Miss M’s Boudoir Testimonial | Confidence Through the Roof

We at Holly Douglas & Co. believe that EVERY woman, man, person and couple should experience a boudoir photoshoot at least once in their lifetimes. We love empowering people and boosting their self-confidence through the art of boudoir photography! Of course, people expect to hear that from us, the boudoir photographers, because we do this for a living. Boudoir testimonials written by our past clients who have actually experienced a boudoir session, on the other hand, are the most convincing! For this reason, Holly Douglas & Co. proudly features a new boudoir experience testimonial each week.

Black and white boudoir photo, semi-nude lying on bed, tastefully nude boudoir poses, woman with tattoos, smiling boudoir pose, Holly Douglas and Co., Nashville, TN

This week's boudoir experience testimonial comes from the gorgeous Miss M., who was photographed in our luxury boudoir studio in East Nashville, Tennessee!

Tell us about yourself?

I am 26, recently married and we have two fur babies, Otis and Allie. I work in the cardiac cath lab When we’re not working, we love all things outdoors!

How did you hear about Holly Douglas & Co and what made you want to book with us?

I have followed Holly Douglas and Co for a WHILE on IG. I always wanted to do a boudoir shoot but never really felt that I had a good enough reason to make the investment.

What was your initial reason for booking?

I booked the session to make a photo book as a gift for my husband at our wedding. At the end of the day I had gotten SO much more out of the experience than just a gift for my husband!

Did you have any expectations going into the shoot? What were they?

I wasn’t sure what to expect honestly. But after seeing the portfolio online and comparing to other companies, I knew Holly Douglas and Co was the BEST option!

Were you nervous about the shoot beforehand? If so, what were you most nervous about?

I was pretty nervous! I have struggled with body dysmorphia for as long as I can remember. Even though I knew my now husband would love the photographs, I was really nervous I wouldn’t. I knew going into the session I would leave either feeling like absolute sh*t about myself or leave with confidence through the roof! Thankfully, I left my session feeling on top of the world!

Did you become more comfortable after the session started?

If so, what helped to relax your nerves? Yes I did! Courtney was so thorough in coaching and really hyped me up with each pose! Once I saw a peek of the first photo she took I was ALL in!

How did you feel during your session?

During my session, I felt a little silly in some of the poses thinking, “There is no way this looks good,” but once I saw my gallery I understood the vision for the photo! With each outfit change Courtney continued being my own personal hype girl! Never for a second that day did I feel anything less than beautiful! The ladies at Holly Douglas and Company are like your own personal hype girls! I was ready to book again before my shoot was even over!

Describe how you felt when you saw your images for the first time.

My first thought was “ no way that’s me” And filtering through and choosing my favorite photos was SO hard! Because ALL of the photos were amazing!

What was your favorite part of the experience and why?

It’s hard to pick a favorite, but if I have to choose… My gallery reveal was my favorite part! I saw myself and my body in a whole new light!

Has anything changed for you since your boudoir experience and seeing your gallery? How has boudoir impacted your body image as a woman?

I think I haven’t been as hard on myself for drinking beer and eating tacos, ya know? So what if I have a couple rolls when I sit or hip dips. I’m still sexy and beautiful and 100% worthy of feeling like I am!

What advice would you give to another woman considering a boudoir experience with Holly Douglas & Co?

Two words DO IT!!! Whatever your reason for not wanting to, get that out of your mind and just do it! You will have a blast and leave the studio feeling like a million bucks!

Would you recommend Holly Douglas & Co for the luxury boudoir experience to others?


Thank you, Miss M., for sharing your boudoir experience testimonial!


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