Miss W’s Boudoir Testimonial | Seeing a Side of Myself I had Lost

We at Holly Douglas & Co. believe that EVERY woman, man, person and couple should experience a boudoir photoshoot at least once in their lifetimes. We love empowering people and boosting their self-confidence through the art of boudoir photography! Of course, people expect to hear that from us, the boudoir photographers, because we do this for a living. Boudoir testimonials written by our past clients who have actually experienced a boudoir session, on the other hand, are the most convincing! For this reason, Holly Douglas & Co. proudly features a new boudoir experience testimonial each week.

Plus size woman, sexy black lingerie, lying on her side, curvy boudoir, Holly Douglas and Co., Nashville, TN

This week's boudoir experience testimonial is a little throwback from the gorgeous Miss W., who was photographed at our previous boudoir studio in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, at the end of last year (before we opened our current luxury studio in East Nashville)!

Tell us about yourself?

38 yrs old, registered nurse, married with 5 kids and some grand children. I live on a farm , with goats, horses, pigs, honey bees, 2 dogs and several barn cats. For fun I enjoy reading, fishing, hunting, kayaking and horse back riding.

How did you hear about Holly Douglas & Co and what made you want to book with us?

Facebook. What made me book was seeing the before and after photos posted.

What was your initial reason for booking?

Work too much, outta shape, and just started not loving myself or what I seen when I looked at photos of myself or in the mirror. I had hoped it would make me see a side of myself I had lost.

Did you have any expectations going into the shoot? What were they?

Not really. Just hoped I didn't look awful in the photos.


Were you nervous about the shoot beforehand? If so, what were you most nervous about?

I was nervous that I would spend a lot of money and these photos were going to be awful and I would have wasted a lot of money on something I didn't even want to look at.

Did you become more comfortable after the session started? If so, what helped to relax your nerves?

No I did not, but had I, I am sure I would have been comfortable quickly because Holly and Courtney were like talking to old friends from the get go.

How did you feel during your session?

I had so much fun I forgot that I felt like I looked disgusting and shouldn't have any of my skin showing. I literally had the most fun I had in a while.

Describe how you felt when you saw your images for the first time.

Like I could actually be featured on something , like dang I could have been a model lol. I was very astonished that even before editing I looked really good.

What was your favorite part of the experience and why?

The neon lights set, I mean because glow paint and an 80's feel , I mean come on.....it was too much fun.

Has anything changed for you since your boudoir experience and seeing your gallery? How has boudoir impacted your body image as a woman?

It has made me want to get in better health so I can do another shoot and see even better pictures, if that's even possible.

What advice would you give to another woman considering a boudoir experience with Holly Douglas & Co?

Ummm, girl, just do it, but definitely get the bigger package because you’re gonna want 98% of the photos she took and it's too hard to narrow it down.

Would you recommend Holly Douglas & Co for the luxury boudoir experience to others?


Is there anything else you'd like to add to your interview?

This was the best decision I had made in a long time. The hardest part now is finding a place to display them!


Thank you, Miss W., for sharing your boudoir experience testimonial!


Miss R’s Boudoir Testimonial | Nervous for No Reason


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